AF-3000D with Oil filters

Oil mist filtration 

CNC machining especially with hydraulic oil can kick up oil mist that can contaminant  the air even when you have specific filtration to address it. The simple addition of a hanging air filtration unit can keep the air clear of oil mist with filters to specifically target oil mist.

The drip collection tray addition is necessary for heavy oil mist environments to capture all the oil mist in liquid form to prevent liquid from sitting in the filtration unit.

Normal air filters will clog with oil droplets preventing the filters from flowing air and can cause pre-mature filer wear that cost money and time.

Oil filtration can be added to any of our hanging unit that can be configured to meet your specific. The AF-3000E is our standard unit that great cubic feet per minute for the cost with hospital grade filtration. The AF-3000D direct filtration unit gets the air intake right next to the cause to capture the oil mist before it can spread to the rest of the shop.   

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AF-3000E with oil mist filters

AF - 3000E

Commercial Air Filtration Workhorse

The AF-3000E unit is our standard industrial air filtration model that is configurable to specific air filtration requirements.  This direct drive air filtration that provides filtration to a MERV 15 rating. 

AF - 3000D

Direct Filtration at Source Solution

AF-3000D pollutants with specific filters to address your needs.  Hang the unit above heavy pollutants, at the source, to capture pollutants before they spread outside the immediate area . The AF-3000D air intakes have four positions adjustibility.